I know I know. I'm slack when it comes to writing life updates here lately. What can I say? I'm a busy lady!
Let me just kinda fill you in somewhat on what's been going on.
Love life info...well the last few weekends I've been going on a few dates with this incredible guy :)
Don't wanna introduce him just yet, we're taking things ooooooooooooooober slow just because neither of us want to jump into a relationship that's not going to work. We both want to make sure it's exactly what we want first. But so far so good! He's pretty terrific, but I'll go into that more later on... hopefully!
Friend situation is going pretty great as well! I'm trying to balance my time between them seeing as how I have like four really close friends who, weirdly enough, don't know each other. HA! Anyways, it's just been nice getting more involved in their lives and keeping them involved in mine.
She's doing great! She healed a lot faster than expected. The hole in her chest from the tube is almost completely closed up. All the gashes from the propeller are healed up nicely. Her lung is almost completely back to normal and her ribs are healing wonderfully. She still experiences a little pain and cramping every now and again but that's normal. So she's great! Thanks again for all the thoughts and prayers!
Well, I'm sad to say that the apartment move is not going to happen. Don't really want to go into it all, but it's for the best. V and I are still friends (of course) so it wasn't anything serious. I'll just say, long story short, neither of us wanted to sign a year long lease. I'm still wanting to move out at some point in time this year so I'm just waiting on God to show me a way to make that happen. I know he has a plan.
Family life, well lets just say that's a huge ball of stress all within itself. I'm not quite ready to go into detail on that one. I will soon though I promise!
Work situation... AMAZING! I don't know how to stress just how much I absolutely love my job! (and no i'm not just saying that in case they read this... lol) I honestly love my job. I do have my moments where I get stressed or angry, everyone does. But all in all I love the company I work for, I love my coworkers, I love the people at other branches, I love my customers, and most of all I love what this company stands for. It's just an amazing place to work. I know I want my long term career to be with this company. I haven't completely decided on an exact position, but I know what I want my next few steps to be so it's great!
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Give into me
I’m gonna wear you down
I’m gonna make you see
I’m gonna get to you
You’re gonna give into me
I’m gonna start a fire
You’re gonna feel the heat
I’m gonna burn for you
You’re gonna melt for me
Come on, come on
Into my arms
Come on, come on
Give into me
You’re gonna take my hand
Whisper the sweetest words
And if you’re ever sad
I’ll make you laugh
I’ll chase the hurt
My heart is set on you
I don’t want no one else
And if you don’t want me
I guess I’ll be all by myself
Come on, come on
Into my arms
Come on, come on
Give into me
I’ll use my eyes to draw you in
Until I’m under your skin
I’ll use my lips, I’ll use my arms
Come on, come on, come on
Give into me
Give into me
Give into me
It's been a month now since I last saw your face.
The last time I saw you it was a week after the night you put your arm around me.
A week after you kissed me.
But we left it at that. And I hadn't seen you since.
Then, a week later, you walked right in the door, and my face flushed.
I could feel all the blood in my body run to my cheeks and my heart hit the pit of my stomach.
You had me.
Even though all we shared was an innocent kiss and a flirtatious night between friends, and even though it had never gone any further, I wanted it to.
You somehow captivated me. That smile, those good looks, your polite ways, the way you laughed. Not to mention that sweet way you looked at me that just made me feel like I was the prettiest girl in the room and you didn't notice any other. Your charm is what really won me over. It was the way I could completely be comfortable and yet butterflies went nuts in my stomach all at the same time. My heart seemed to skip a beat everytime you walked into a room, or glanced my way. I hadn't felt like that about anyone.
You had me.
Well of course the next time we met, neither of us said a word. There weren't any words to say. You and I both knew that it wasn't going to go anywhere. We had both just ended things with our significant others and both of us needed time to move on. So we both dropped it.
I haven't seen or talked to you since, until today. You once again walked through the door of my work. But this time was different. Over a month had past and we were both normal again. You looked directly at me, shot me that smile, and said "hey"
My heart skipped a beat again. How was it that I didn't think about you, didn't want to. Then all of a sudden you walk in and my heart wants you all over again.
We made normal conversation, laughing a little. Like we were friends again. But still I want more. I probably always will. For some reason, I just can't bring myself to find the courage to tell you any of this.
I can't find a way to tell you that you take my breath away everytime I look at you. That you're smile makes me melt inside. Your laugh puts a smile on my face. And still my heart skips a beat everytime you walk into the room or glance my way.
I want so badly to just tell you all of this, and hope that you feel something for me too. I just want so badly to spend time with you and see where things can go. There have been a few guys who had wanted to take me out. I told most of them no. I guess in my subconcious, I'm waiting around for you to do it. I don't know why. But when you left today, without asking me out, I told myself "maybe next time"
But would "next time" ever actually happen? I have doubts in my head that it probably won't. But a huge part of me thinks that one day you'll want to get to know me too. That one day you'll realize that I make you smile. And one day you'll want to fall for me. I mean, how why would I feel this way about someone unless it was going to go somewhere. There is a reason for everything. And I really feel like we could be amazing if we'd actually give it a shot.
So like the song says,
My heart is set on you
I don’t want no one else
And if you don’t want me
I guess I’ll be all by myself
"Give into me"
Posted by Kristen479 at 10:29 AM 0 comments
Labels: heartbreak, HIM, love
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
At it again....
Posted by Kristen479 at 8:53 AM 0 comments
Monday, September 19, 2011
Weekend Recap
Posted by Kristen479 at 1:18 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 16, 2011
Gotta get down on fridayyyyyyyyyyyyy
Posted by Kristen479 at 2:24 PM 0 comments
Posted by Kristen479 at 6:16 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Twenty Somethings
So lately I've been having the "twenty something blues"
Ever heard of them?
It's that akward stage in your life where you and all of your friends seem to be on completely different pages.
Some are in college, others joing the workforce. Some move away. Some run off to get married and others have babies. Some join the military and others stay stagnant.
It's just a weird age. But it's supposed to be some of the most fun of your life. You learn so much and experience so much during these years. You completely change.
During your twenties, the moment you enter them, you're entire life changes.
Now some may not see it to be that drastic, but I DEFINITELY did.
The moment I turned 20, I could feel myself change. I just thought differently and saw things differently.
I shifted from being a carefree kid/teen and into what would become adulthood. I realized I could no longer just float through life, I had to do something. I had to become something and make someone of myself. I couldn't rely on my parents anymore to make my choices. I had to be a "big girl". From that moment on, I set goals for myself. I decided what I wanted, short term at least, and I did what it took to get there. And once I reached a goal, I formed another one.
Then all of a sudden, life shifted again. My mind set towards people changed too. All of the friends I had who were older than me, that I couldn't relate to, I suddenly found common ground with. And all of my younger friends I ended up drifting from a little bit. My lifestyle changed. I went from conversations about what was going on friday night and who dated who, to suddenly talking about furniture, work, and recipes.
Instead of going out all the time to parties, I have vino and movie nights, and go out to dinner. I don't stay up until odd hours of the morning and sleep all day. I have a BEDTIME. I haven't had one of those since I was a kid!
The more time goes on, the more life shifts around. More and more of my friends are getting engaged and married. Some are on the verge of having kids. Others are buying houses and moving out on their own. Many of my guy friends went off to the military. We're making the shift from restaurants and clothing stores, and moving into the corporate world. Real jobs. Bills are due. It's craziness.
Now I know I haven't been a "20 something" for very long but I feel like It's hitting me full swing. It's the transition years of my life. It's scary and exciting at the same time. I know the deeper I get into it the more it's going to change. And I'm ready for it. I'm ready to see what life has to throw at me. I somewhat have the "peter pan" syndrome because growing up is scary. The carefree life I was living before, where the hardest thing to deal with were the tests on fridays, the most drama I had was my high school bf showed up to the pep rally with another girl, and my parents paid all my bills, is gone. But this new "adult" thing is going to be a grand adventure.
"It's not too late"
Posted by Kristen479 at 7:05 AM 0 comments
Thirsty Thursday
Well yall its "thirsty thursday"... not so much on my end. More like "Runningaroundlikeachickenwithmyheadcutoff Thursday"
Let's just say I have LOTS to do. And to top it off... I've already started being clumsy and dropping stuff. Ughhhhhh!! I dropped my make up powder all over my black skirt right before I got to work. Lovely. Then I kept dropping my phone, papers, almost dropped my coffee, coins, all kinds of stuff. And its not even 10 am yet. -Get it together Kristen-
Then when I get off work I have to take all of my old clothes to the consignment store or good will. I have to finish straightening up my room and clearing out all of my old stuff to get ready for packing. I have a mountain of dirty laundry I have to somehow get done. Pay bills. And somehow find time to eat and shower.
Ever have a day where you just want to put on some sweats, a hoodie, curl up on the couch and read?
Today would be one of those days for me. Mannnnnnn do I HATE cleaning!
Hopefully I can get through today and make it to lovely Friday :)
Posted by Kristen479 at 6:31 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Okay, In no way am I racist what so ever.
But when I call customer service, I want to speak to someone who understands english!!!!
Like really people? All I want to do is cancel my Roadside assistance on my car insurance because I don't use it. Simple right? WRONG.
First I call and have to push all kinds of buttons to get through the automated part. You know the
"press one for (blah) press two for (blah) press three for (blah) or for any other questions please stay on the line"
Then when I FINALLY get to talk to a real person, they have no clue what I'm saying. They transfer me all over God's creation to talk to even more people who have no idea what I'm saying.
"Ma'am can I confirm your phone number"
"6862-----? Is it an eleven digit number"
I seriously had to have her speak sssssssllllllloooooowwwwww for me to understand what it was she was saying. I mean I may have a slight southern accent but at least I talk slow haha!
After arguing with an automated lady, wearing out my key pad on my phone with button pressing, talking to everyone who answers phones in India, and having to straing my brain cells to try to learn a new language, I finally got what I needed accomplished and got the stupid thing cancelled.
Thank the LORD
Posted by Kristen479 at 11:10 AM 0 comments
Wednesday Again...
Posted by Kristen479 at 10:25 AM 0 comments